Club Tournaments 2023-24

Club Championship

Chichester Chess Club – Swiss Tournament 2023 – 2024

ositionNameRatingScoreSOPSAve GradeComments
1Andrew McDougall2155  Champion
2Vinuda Gunatilake1989517 Runner-up
3Mike Eason1577515 Podium
4Jaimie Wilson2169   
5Bill McDougall2115418  
6Jacob Carr1358413  
7Vishal Leo Thomas1375410  
8Laurence Ellett169714½  
9Ian Judd176613½1683.4 
10Phil Carr165813½1622.2 
11Mike Webber160811½  
12Mike Spence171511  
13Kyall Guy146510  
14Bill Emerson1900*319  
15Norbert Gyorke1877313  
16Paul White1610312  
17Steve Coe1675311  
18Steve Smith1746310½  
19Lloyd Jolley1435310  
20Rahul Leo Thomas1254310  
21Ryan Kinzett148837  
22Ian Richardson156191678.0Game drawn
23Isaac McDonald139891538.7Game drawn
24Penny Callum1060210  
25Mick Plumb173528  
26Paul Simpson1357251406.4 
27Alan Reed1450251364.0 
28John Hargreaves159524  
29Chris Squires1703   
30Lucas Summers117915  
31Francisco Booth123512  
32Lara Osiyemi179111 Played 3 rounds

Draw for Round 1 – As played on Monday 16th October 2023

Bd No   White                          (Score) v (Score) Black         

1            Jaimie Wilson [2169]      (1) v (0) Mike Webber [1608]     K side attack set up a repeater

2            Ian Richardson [1561]    (0) v (1) Andrew McDougall [2155] Level at move 36, cheap trick

3            Bill McDougall [2115]     (1) v (0) Mike Eason [1577]   Comfortable win

4            John Hargreaves [1595] (0) v (1) Vinuda Gunatilake [1989]John better much of game     

5            Bill Emerson [1900*]      (1) v (0) Ryan Kinzett [1488] Inaccurate move order lost a piece

6            Kyall Guy [1465]              (0) v (1) Norbert Gyorke [1879] Kyall better much of the game         

7           Tom Howeson [1842]      (1) v (0) Roy Fairful [1459]  Promising position elicited error 

8            Alan Reed [1450]             (0d) v (1d) Ian Judd [1766]  Alan ill ☹ get well soon

9            Steve Smith  [1746]         (1) v (0) Lloyd Jolley [1435]  Long ending difficult to convert

10          Isaac McDonald [1398]  (0) v (1) Mick Plumb [1735]  Isaac missed winning line            

11          Mike Spence [1715]        (1) v (0) Vishal Leo Thomas [1375]  Strong game from Mike            

12          Jacob Carr [1358]            (0) v (1) Chris Squires [1703]   Chris accuracy secured full point           

13          Laurence Ellett  [1697]   (1) v (0) Paul Simpson [1357] Strong game from Laurence              

14          Rahul Leo Thomas [1254] (0) v (1) Steve Coe [1675]   Rahul missed win late on           

15          Phil Carr [1658]               (1) v (0) Francisco Booth [1235] Advantage changed several times

16          Lucas Summers [1179]   (0) v (1) Paul White [1610]    Paul had plus, fluffed a clean kill          

17          Penny Callum [1060]      (1) v (0) BYE      

Game of the round Jaimie Wilson v Mike Webber can be found here        

Draw for Round 2 – As played on Monday 11th December 2023

Bd No   White                              (Score) v (Score) Black         

1            Mick Plumb [1735]              (1) 0 v 1 (1) Jaimie Wilson [2169]     

2            Andrew McDougall [2155] (1) 1 v 0 (1) Steve Smith [1746]

3            Chris Squires [1703]            (1) 0 v 1 (1) Bill McDougall [2115]    

4            Vinuda Gunatilake [1989]  (1) 1 v 0 (1) Mike Spence [1715]

5            Steve Coe [1675]                 (1) 1/2 v 1/2 (1) Bill Emerson [1900*]      

6            Norbert Gyorke [1879]       (1) 0 v 1 (1) Laurence Ellett  [1697]        

7            Paul White [1610]              (1) + v – (1) Tom Howeson [1842]      

8            Ian Judd [1766]                    (1) 1 v 0 (1) Phil Carr [1658]                           

9            Mike Webber [1608]          (0) 1 v 0 (1) Penny Cullum [1060]         

10          Mike Eason [1577]              (0) + v – (0) John Hargreaves [1595] 

11          Ryan Kinzett [1488]            (0) 0 v 1 (0) Ian Richardson [1561]                  

12          Roy Fairful [1459]               (0) – v + (0) Kyall Guy [1465]                

13          Lloyd Jolley [1435]              (0) + v – (0) Alan Reed [1450]               

14          Vishal Leo Thomas [1375] (0) 0 v 1 (0) Isaac McDonald [1398]  

15          Paul Simpson [1357]          (0) – v + (0) Jacob Carr [1358]           

16          Francisco Booth [1235]      (0) 0 v 1 (0) Rahul Leo Thomas [1254] 

17          BYE                                        (0) – v + (0) Lucas Summers [1179]  

Game of the round – N Gyorke v L Ellett can be found here

Draw for Round 3 – As played on Monday 15 January 2024 

Bd No   White                          (Score) v (Score) Black         

1           Jaimie Wilson [2169]       (2) (2) Ian Judd [1766] 

2           Laurence Ellett  [1697]    (2) 0 v 1( 2) Andrew McDougall [2155] 

3            Bill McDougall [2115]     (2) (2) Paul White [1610]

4            Bill Emerson [1900*]      (1½) 0 (2) Vinuda Gunatilake [1989] 

5            Tom Howeson [1842]     (1) 1 v 0 (1½) Steve Coe [1675]

6            Ian Richardson [1561]    (1) 1 (1) Norbert Gyorke [1879]   

7            Steve Smith [1746]         (1) 0 v 1 (1) Mike Eason [1577]       

8            Kyall Guy [1465]              (1) 1/2 v 1/2 (1) Chris Squires [1703]

9            Mike Spence [1715]        (1) 1 (1) Lloyd Jolley [1435]         

10         Jacob Carr [1358]             (1) 0 (1) Mick Plumb [1735]   

11          Phil Carr [1658]               (1) 0 (1) Lucas Summers [1179]                     

12         Isaac McDonald [1398]   (1) 1 (1) Mike Webber[ 1608]

13         Penny Cullum [1060]       (1) 0 (1) Rahul Leo Thomas [1254]             

14          John Hargreaves [1595] (0) 1 (0) Ryan Kinzett [1488] 

15         Alan Reed [1450]             (0) 0 v 1 (0) Vishal Leo Thomas [1375]         

16          Francisco Booth [1235] (0) 0 v (0) Roy Fairful [1459]  

17          BYE                                          v (0) Paul Simpson [1357]    

Game of the round – S Smith v M Eason can be found here

Draw for Round 4 – As played on Monday 18 March 2024 

1      Andrew McDougall [2155] (3) 1/2 v 1/2 (3) Jaimie Wilson [2169] Tough opening struggle    

2      Bill Emerson [1900*]        (2½) 0 v (3) Bill McDougall [2115] Massive complexity

3      Vinuda Gunatilake [1989]   (2) + v  (2) Tom Howeson [1842] 

4      Norbert Gyorke [1879]        (2) (2) Paul White [1610] Strong sacrifice combination to finish

5      Ian Judd [1766]                     (2) 1 (2) Laurence Ellett  [1697] Thunderbolt, immediate resignation

6      Phil Carr [1658]                (2) 1/2 = 1/2  (2) Jacob Carr [1358]     

7      Mike Eason [1577]               (2) 1 v (2) Penny Cullum [1060] Black promising position, faulty continuation   

8      Ian Richardson [1561]            (1) (2) Lloyd Jolley [1435] good K side attack

9      Steve Coe [1675]                (1½) 0 v (1½)  Kyall Guy [1465]  Dynamic piece play, unbalanced            

10    Steve Smith [1746]              (1) 0 (1½) Chris Squires [1703] Tough game, Unbalanced pawn ending

11    Mick Plumb [1735]              (1) 0 v (1) Mike Spence [1715] Long King hunt

12    Roy Fairful [1459]                 (1) withdrawn v 1/2  (2) Mike Webber [1608] 

13    Ryan Kinzett [1488]              (1) 1 (1) Isaac McDonald [1398] Good game , decisive attack 

 14   Vishal Leo Thomas [1375]   (1) (1) Lucas Summers [1179]  Nice middlegame combination                   

15    Rahul Leo Thomas [1254]    (1) 1 v 0 (1) Paul Simpson [1357] Won material and converted smoothly          

16    Lara Osiyemi [1791]              (0) v 1 (0) John Hargreaves [1595] Tough struggle

17    Alan Reed [1450]                   (0) (0) Francisco Booth [1235] Accumulated pawns, converted

Game of the round – Ryan Kinzett v Isaac McDonald can be found here

Draw for Round 5 – As played on Monday 29 April 2024 

1      Jaimie Wilson [2169]              (3½)1 v 0(4) Bill McDougall [2115]    

2      Norbert Gyorke [1879]              (3) 0 – 1 (3½) Andrew McDougall [2155] Long tough struggle

3      Vinuda Gunatilake [1989]       (3) 1 – 0 (3) Laurence Ellett  [1697] High class game

4      Mike Eason [1577]                     (3) 1 – 0 (2½) Mike Webber[ 1608] Error at move 50, otherwise level

5      Phil Carr [1658]                       (2½) + / – (2½) Bill Emerson [1900*]     

6      Jacob Carr [1358]                  (2½) 1 – 0  (2½) Kyall Guy [1465]  Pieces everywhere from the promising juniors.          

7      Lloyd Jolley [1435]                    (2) 0 – 1 ( 2) Ian Judd [1766] Long struggle, black gained advantage late in the game 

8      Mike Spence [1715] (2) 1/2 – 1/2 (2)Steve Smith [1746] Englund gambit with some original play

9     Isaac McDonald [1398]          (2) 1/2 – 1/2 (2) Ian Richardson [1561] Evenly matched throughout            

10    Rahul Leo Thomas [1254]    (2) 1 – 0 (2) Paul White [1610]  Great win, game of the round

11    Penny Cullum [1060]              (2) 0 – 1 (2) Vishal Leo Thomas [1375]   Nice middlegame for black 

12    Chris Squires [1703]          (1½) 0 – 1 (1½) Steve Coe [1675] Material advantage ground out long game

13    Paul Simpson [1357]             (1) 0 – 1 (1) Ryan Kinzett [1488]    White did everything except win

 14  John Hargreaves [1595]        (1) – / + (1) Mick Plumb [1735]                      

15    Lucas Summers [1179]      (1) 0 – 1 (1) Alan Reed [1450] Level for much of the game.

16    Francisco Booth [1235]      (0) + / – (0) Lara Osiyemi [1791]

Game of the round – R L Thomas v P White can be found here

Draw for Round 6 – As played on Monday 10 June 2024 

1            Bill McDougall [2115] (4) 0 – 1 (4½) Andrew McDougall [2155]

2          Jaimie Wilson [2169] (4½) 0 – 1 (4) Vinuda Gunatilake [1989] 

3                     Phil Carr [1658] (3½) 0 – 1 (4) Mike Eason [1577]  

4                         Ian Judd [1766] (3) 1/2 – 1/2  (3½)  Jacob Carr [1358]

5   Vishal Leo Thomas [1375] (3) 1 – 0 (3) Norbert Gyorke [1877]    

6           Laurence Ellett [1697] (3) 1/2 – 1/2 (2½) Bill Emerson [1900*]     

7           Mike Webber [1608] (2½) 1 – 0 (3) Rahul Leo Thomas [1254]   

8                 Steve Coe [1675] (2½) 1/2 – 1/2 (2½) Steve Smith [1746]

9                  Kyall Guy [1465]  (2½) + / – (2½) Isaac McDonald [1398]                   

10    Ian Richardson [1561] (2½) 0 – 1 (2½) Mike Spence [1715] 

11                  Paul White 1610] (2) 1 – 0 (2) Alan Reed [1450]     

12              Mick Plumb [1735] (2) 0 – 1 (2) Lloyd Jolley 1435]               

13             Ryan Kinzett [1488] (2) 1 – 0 (2) Penny Callum [1060]     

 14      Chris Squires [1703] (1½) – / + (1)John Hargreaves [1595]

15          Paul Simpson [1357] (1) 1 – 0 (1) Francisco Booth [1235] 

16     Lucas Summers [1179] (1) 0 – 1 (1) Lara Osiyemi [1791]

Game of the round Jaimie Wilson v Vinuda Gunatilake can be found here   


Group A
J Wilson220020
Group B
V Gunatilake110012
B Emerson
N Gyorke211014
T Howeson
Group C
I Judd
S Smith743068
M Plumb210112
M Spence851262
C Squires420226
L Ellett20020
S Coe220024
P Carr520326
P White520322
M Webber210112
L Osiyemi330040
Group D
J Hargreaves
M Eason191225159
I Richardson731346
R Kinzett741258
K Guy630336
R Fairfull421130
A Reed
L Jolley841359
M Luff210110
Group E
I McDonald
V L Thomas610512
J Carr210118
P Simpson
R L Thomas931552
F Booth610512
Group F
L Summers50050
P Cullum80080
4/9/23M Spence (0)0 – 1L Jolley (16)
4/9/23R Kinzett (12)1 – 0F Booth (0)
11/9/23J Wilson (10)1 – 0L Ellett (0)
11/9/23C Squires (0)0 – 1V Gunatilake (12)
11/9/23P Cullum (0)0 – 1M Luff (10)
11/9/23M Eason (12)1 – 0V L Thomas (0)
11/9/23N Gyorke (8)1 – 0R L Thomas (0)
11/9/23S Smith (6)1/2R Fairfull (8)
18/9/23S Smith (8)1/2N Gyorke (6)
18/9/23P Carr (12)1 – 0M Luff (0)
18/9/23P White (8)1 – 0P Cullum (0)
18/9/23R Fairfull (0)0 – 1M Spence (12)
25/9/23S Smith (12)1 – 0K Guy (0)
25/9/23F Booth (0)0 – 1M Eason (12)
25/9/23M Spence (10)1 – 0R L Thomas (0)
2/10/23M Eason (12)1 – 0R L Thomas (0)
2/10/23M Spence (14)1 – 0L Ellett (0)
2/10/23R Fairfull (12)1 – 0V L Thomas
2/10/23P Carr (0)0 – 1J Carr (18)
9/10/23P Cullum (0)0 – 1R L Thomas (12)
9/10/23L Summers (0)0 – 1R Fairfull (10)
23/10/23M Eason (12)1 – 0 V L Thomas (0)
23/10/23L Jolley (10)1 – 0P Cullum (0)
30/10/23R L Thomas (0)0 – 1M Eason (12)
30/10/23K Guy (0)0 – 1L Jolley (14)
30/10/23P Cullum (0)0 – 1M Spence (8)
6/11/23L Jolley (0)0 – 1M Plumb (12)
6/11/23S Smith (14)1 – 0P White (0)
6/11/23R Kinzett (0)0 – 1K Guy (14)
13/11/23M Eason (14)1 – 0I Richardson (0)
20/11/23K Guy (10)1 – 0P Cullum (0)
20/11/23J Wilson (10)1 – 0P White (0)
20/11/23L Summers (0)0 – 1R Kinzett (10)
20/11/23F Booth (0)0 – 1R Kinzett (12)
20/11/23I Richardson (0)0 – 1M Webber (12)
20/11/23L Jolley (7)1/2M Eason (7)
4/12/23S Coe (12)1 – 0L Jolley (0)
4/12/23F Booth (0)0 – 1M Eason (12)
1/1/24M Spence (0)0 – 1P White (14)
8/1/24I Richardson (8)1/2M Spence (6)
8/1/24K Guy (0)0 – 1S Coe (12)
15/1/24L Osiyemi (14)1 – 0P White (0)
22/1/24I Richardson (0)0 – 1L Osiyemi (12)
22/1/24F Booth (0)0 – 1K Guy (12)
5/2/24C Squires (0)0 – 1M Eason (16)
19/2/24R L Thomas (0)0 – 1L Jolley (12)
26/2/24P Cullum (0)0 – 1M Eason (10)
4/3/24M Webber (0)0 – 1R Kinzett (16)
4/3/24I Richardson (14)1 – 0M Eason (0)
11/3/24L Osiyemi (14)1 – 0P Carr (0)
11/3/24S Smith (10)1 – 0J Carr (0)
25/3/24R L Thomas (16)1 – 0M Eason (0)
7/4/24R Kinzett (0)0 – 1C Squires (12)
22/4/24L Summers (0)0 – 1M Eason (10)
29/4/24P Carr (14)1 – 0M Plumb (0)
6/5/24M Eason (12)1 – 0V L Thomas (0)
13/5/24C Squires (14)1 – 0P Carr (0)
20/5/24M Eason (6)1/2R L Thomas (8)
27/5/24L Summers (0)0 – 1F Booth (12)
27/5/24M Eason (12)1 – 0V L Thomas (0)
17/6/24M Eason (0)0 – 1S Smith (12)
17/6/24I Richardson (10)1 – 0P Cullum (0)
17/6/24L Summers (0)0 – 1V L Thomas (12)
17/6/24L Jolley (0)0 – 1R L Thomas (16)
24/6/24M Eason (0)0 – 1M Spence (12)
24/6/24R Kinzett (8)1/2S Smith (6)
1/7/24I Richardson (14)1 – 0M Eason (0)

Players will be allocated a one of 7 groups according to their ECF rating as follows
Group A 2000 + Group B 1800 – 1999
Group C 1600 – 1799 Group D 1400 -1599
Group E 1200 – 1399 Group F 1000 – 1199
Group G below 1000

Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E
Group F
Group G

Blitz Tournament