Internal Club Competitions 2018/2019


2019 CHAMPION – Jaimie Wilson


192Jaimie Wilsonxxx1 0111116/7 
190Bill McDougall0xxx 11111½5½/7 
186Andrew McDougall  xxx        
185Rolandas Lukosius10 xxx111½15[SS1] ½/7 
168JPaul Northcott00 0xxx111½3½/7 
153Steve Smith00 00xxx½112½/7 
144Ian Judd00 00½xxx112½/7 
141Alex Miller00 ½000xxx0½/7 
141Lara Osiyemi0½ 0½001xxx2/7 


UNDER 130 CHAMPIONSHIP – 2018/2019

2019 CHAMPION – MICK PLUMB                  2019  WINNER UNDER 105 – lES STUBBINGTON

Michael Spence 0 1d111½110bwb1 1  11
Mick Plumb1 10110½11wbw1 1  11
Steve Zsibrita0d0 0d0d½½00d0bwb11  11 3
Tom Howeson011d 1½01w1wbwb1  9
Michal Mindak001d0 w½1b½bwb1 b  84
Keith Davies 0 0½½b 0011wbw11  105
Ian Richardson½1½1½1 wb1bwb1b  8
Philip Wake0½1001b 0bwbwb 1  9
Lloyd Jolley 001dbw0w1 0bwbw b   6 2
Les Stubbington1010½0011 wbw½ 1  116
 wbwbwbw b w b  w bwb    
 bwbwbwbwbwb wb w    
 wbwbwbwbwbwb w b    
Leon Cribb000 w0 0 0 w b½ bw b  1  8
John Ashworth 0000w0w1w0wbw0   81

HANDICAP COMPETITION for the Peter Rayment Trophy – 2018/2019

2019 WINNER – Jaimie Wilson

The latest results with the points scored in brackets:
Ian Richardson(5)   ½  Leon Cribb(9)
Mick Plumb(6)  ½  Philip Wake(8)
Michael Spence  0-1  Chris Squires(14)
Les Stubbington  0-1  Jaimie Wilson(6)

Jaimie Wilson161411121
Tom Howeson11812104
Ian Richardson1053299
Les Stubbington17521090
Keith Davies1162381
Chris Squires1252572
Mick Plumb  952269
Steve Smith  651058
Michal Mindak  732255
Philip Wake  941454
Lloyd Jolley1333753
Michael Spence1441947
Alex Miller  923446
Rolandas Lukoshius  540136
Steve Zsibritai  320122
Lara Osiyemi  420220
Leon Cribb14121219
John Ashworth  310214
Laurence Willetts  1001  0
Toby Bigwood  3003  0
Jeremy Gale  5005  0